Aim higher - A workshop for entrepreneurs with international backgrounds


ons 23 apr. 2025 , kl. 08.30 - 11.30

Sista anmälan:
fre 18 apr. 2025

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Aim higher - A workshop for entrepreneurs with international backgrounds

- a springboard for companies that want to grow and develop sustainably.

Are you born abroad and want to develop and strengthen the competitiveness of your company? With a combination of lectures, workshops, and networking, you will get the tools to aim higher with your business.

What does the programme offer you?

• Ownership over your company's development
• Inspiration, tools, and tips for developing your company
• A sustainability dialogue based on your business
• Methods and tools for setting goals and making choices
• Development and networking with other business owners

 Who is the programme aimed at?

The programme is aimed at small company owners (<10 employees) who are born abroad and who want to develop and strengthen their business competitiveness.

Dates and format

Three digital half day sessions, with lectures and workshops together with other entrepreneurs.
The scheduled dates are 23 April, 7 May and 21 May, all sessions from 08:30 to 11:30.


Please note that the programme is subject to change. We reserve the right to modify the dates and content at our discretion.